It’s never been more evident in human history that we need to change the way we live if the planet is to have a future.
So, this year’s World Earth Day, which takes place on Friday, 22 April, has never been more important.
The day which has been taking place across the globe for more than 50 years, aims to raise awareness of what we can all do to make a difference.
We’ll be going green for the day at No. 86 Estate Agency – literally, by wearing something green to highlight the event.
But we realise this is more than just something we do for a day, so we’re encouraging people to consider some of the ten tips below to adapt the way we all live to a more sustainable, environmentally friendly way.
1. Cycle or walk where possible.
2. Buy second-hand items – we prefer to call them pre-loved
3. Eat local, seasonal produce
4. Shower instead of bath
5. Wash clothes at 30 degrees
6. Install solar panels
7. Consider buying an electric car
8. Use LED bulbs
9. Recycle and upcycle
10. Share these tips
As an agency, we are banning single-use plastic in the workplace.
What tips do you have for going green?
Thanks for reading.