Give your home a spring clean.
First impressions count and it's so important to get your home looking it's best from the offset. So get those rubber gloves and your duster out and clean clean clean!
Getting rid of the clutter will make your home look more spacious. The idea is to make your home feel like a neat and tidy, well organised place to live. Remember you are not just selling a property but a lifestyle!
Fix anything thats broken.
It’s really important to finish any DIY and catch-up on your home maintenance. A well maintained home shows that it is well cared for. We have found that buyers in general will put in a higher offer for a home that has been well maintained as opposed to one which needs some TLC. Getting these little bits fixed will make a big difference to the amount offered on your home, as in our experience the buyers will always over estimate the costs in getting things fixed.
Make a good first impression
First impressions really do count so make sure you are showing off your home to it's full potential. Your agent will advise you on how to make the most of your homes special features and will also help stage your home for the video and photographs.
Trust me this is one really important part of the process that needs to be done correctly. The idea is to make your buyers form an emotional attachment to your home before they even view.
Define the use of each room
When you have lived in a house for a long time and your needs have changed the use of certain rooms can become mixed. So if your lounge has turned into your home office or your spare bedroom has become a storage room, or your dining room has become your children's play room you may want to think about changing these rooms back to one use.
Some buyers get a little confused when there are too many options for a room and they also perceive some rooms to hold more value than others. We have found that buyers prefer a room to have a clear purpose.
If you need any further hints or tips about getting your home marketing ready please don't hesitate to get in touch.