Property Market re-opens in England

The property lockdown in England has been lifted. So what does that mean for us here in Wales???

Property Market re-opens in England
I wanted to do a little post to update you all on where we stand at the moment here in Wales after the housing market re-opening in England.

As it stands the Welsh Government has not yet changed the rules for estate agencies in Wales. The Welsh Government is reviewing its guidance on how we as a sector can get back to work as safely as possible. I'm glad that things are being done this way as it's so important not to rush and have the correct procedures in place right from the offset. My clients and staff's health is of the upmost importance to me.

Since hearing the news late last night, I have been putting protective measures into place to ensure the health and safety of both my staff, members of the public and clients for when the time does arise for us to return to work. We as a team are also reviewing the moving home guidelines for England while we wait for the Welsh guidelines to be published.

As most of our vendors and buyers know we have continued to operate as best we can whilst working from home. We have continued to progress your sales and purchases and value your homes by introducing our social distancing valuation tool. We now have plenty of new homes waiting to come on the market and have lists of buyers patiently waiting to view homes that are currently on market.

It's so important that we get the correct procedures in place before we book you all in and I'd like to thank you for your patience and understanding while we adjust to the new measures and get back to some sort of normality.

Although we are delighted at the thought of coming back to our lovely office and seeing you all again soon. We have to make sure that we only do so when the Welsh Government tells us the time is right and when we have the correct procedures in place to keep you all as as safe as possible.

I will keep you all updated as things progress

In the meantime take care and keep safe xx

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